Ravings of an Unrepentant Cinephile

Caveat Lector

Caveat Lector - "Reader Beware"

This blog assumes readers love movies and will probably have already seen those discussed, or are looking for a reason to watch them. Therefore, assume spoilers in all posts. In other words, don't whine if I "ruin" the ending. You've been warned. *laughs maniacally*

A Cinephile's Story

According to legend, I went to Star Wars when it first opened back in 1977. I was just over 1-year old. (To anyone in the audience, I am sorry). Growing up, I watched the trilogy nearly every weekend, along with Indiana Jones, Star Trek, the Princess Brides, John Hughes movies, and so much more.

Furthermore, I was named after a movie character...to be specific, I was named after a mythological figure whose story happened to be told twice: once, to great effect using the great Ray Harryhausen, godfather of special fx, and again, years later in a misguided attempted to, well, I don't know what they were trying to do, but they royally screwed it up. Not that I'm bitter (I might be bitter).

It's safe to say that I was doomed forever to be a cinephile.

To be continued....

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