Ravings of an Unrepentant Cinephile

Caveat Lector

Caveat Lector - "Reader Beware"

This blog assumes readers love movies and will probably have already seen those discussed, or are looking for a reason to watch them. Therefore, assume spoilers in all posts. In other words, don't whine if I "ruin" the ending. You've been warned. *laughs maniacally*

How This Site Works

This blog is part passion project, part obsessive-compulsive filing system. I wanted something that didn't just review movies or provide trailers (oh, yes, there will be trailers), but also gave me a place to catalogue my favorite movies and information about them. This part is very much a work in progress, and will evolve as I make changes to the system. Check back here every so often to see what, if anything, has changed! Enjoy!


As you can see in the sidebar to the left, there are many different genres to contend with. I was dissatisfied with just a few generalized genres, especially since no site seemed to agree definitively on what those were. That wasn't going to cut it. I need specifics, so I went subgenre...and then I took it further with themes, mediums, and more. I tried to create these labels so that there would be little mistaking what they were. However, I know that some may seem out of nowhere.


Because what constitutes a classic has changed over time, I have decided on my own system. Specifically, I consider a classic to be anything before the year I was born: 1976.

Twoo Wove

Ironically, I created this label long before I decided to make a review of The Princess Bride for the first post. While the label's concept originates from this movie, it is meant to identify movies in which the trope of true love is used. This will often be fantasy movies (Legend) or TV series (Once Upon a Time), but can also include modern romances (Serendipity).


I had real trouble understanding what the hell this term meant for the longest time. People kept using it and I had a vague feel for it, but wouldn't have been able to say what it was...until a perfect description was given to me by an odd little sitcom called Community. In it, one of the main characters is making a movie about Jesus where he is writing, directing, and starring. The character decides he is making a movie within a movie with the audience participating... It is obnoxious to say the least, and rapidly spins out of control. Finally, another character rages at him:
"Stop being meta. Stop taking everything we do and shoving it up its own ass!" ~Jeff Winger
I have since come to understand "meta" as something that is self-aware in art, commenting on itself in some way: whether it's commenting on itself, doing a parody/homage of something else, or simply commenting on the real life outside the art. I still think it's obnoxious, and I still think Jeff got it the most right, but there you go.

More to come!